Noel R. Denny Memorial Pow Wow Grounds
Rest Area, Tea, Four Cents, Card Games
Vendor Village
Noel R. Denny Memorial Pow Wow Grounds
Open to the public
Adult Softball (M/F)
Adult Male A & B, Adult Female - Frenchies Field (1) and Castle Bay Field (2)
Kojua Competition
All age groups - Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds
Horseshoes Singles
Adult M/F - Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds
All Divisions M/F - EEMS Gym 1
Floor Hockey
Peewee Youth M/F (MASH Style Play) - Dan K Stevens Memorial Arena
All Divisions - Goat Island
Marathon Run – 1K & 5K
Iona Bus turn-around - Castle Bay
Special Olympics
Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds - BBQ/Food/Treats
Mi’kmaq War Games
Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds
Outdoor Live Entertainment
Main Stage - Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds
Blues Band, City Natives & Supaman