Friday, August 24

Noel R. Denny Memorial Pow Wow Grounds
Rest Area, Tea, Four Cents, Card Games

Vendor Village
Noel R. Denny Memorial Pow Wow Grounds
Open to the public

Adult Softball (M/F)
Adult Male A & B, Adult Female - Frenchies Field (1) and Castle Bay Field (2)

Kojua Competition
All age groups - Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds

Horseshoes Singles
Adult M/F - Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds

All Divisions M/F - EEMS Gym 1

Floor Hockey
Peewee Youth M/F (MASH Style Play) - Dan K Stevens Memorial Arena

All Divisions - Goat Island

Marathon Run – 1K & 5K
Iona Bus turn-around - Castle Bay

Special Olympics
Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds - BBQ/Food/Treats

Mi’kmaq War Games
Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds

Outdoor Live Entertainment
Main Stage - Noel R Denny Memorial Powwow Grounds
Blues Band, City Natives & Supaman