Softball / Fastball

Schedule and Scores


The NSMSG baseball competition consists of both male and female teams in the following categories listed below. The rules, which will be followed are set out by Softball Nova Scotia. The events will be held at Castle Bay Ball Field and Frenchies Ball Field in Eskasoni.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018: 9:00am – 10:00pm
Thursday, August 23, 2018: 9:00am – 10:00pm
Friday, August 24, 2018: 9:00am – 10:00pm
Saturday, August 25, 2018: 9:00am – 10:00pm
Sunday, August 26, 2018: 9:00am – 6:00pm


Castle Bay Ballfield

Richard Ave, Eskasoni, NS

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Frenchie’s Ballfield

Spencers Ln, Eskasoni, NS

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Age Category Male Division Female Division
Ages 9-12
Born: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
M/F combined division, Maximum ten (10) teams (Round Robin Format)
Ages 13-15
Born: 2003, 2004, 2005
Maximum eight (8) teams (Round Robin Format) Maximum eight (8) teams (Round Robin Format)
Ages 16-18
Born: 2000, 2001, 2002
Maximum eight (8) teams (Round Robin Format) Maximum eight (8) teams (Round Robin Format)
Ages 19+
Born: 1999 or before
Men’s A (Double Knockout Format)
Men’s B (Double Knockout Format)
Maximum twelve (12) teams (Double Knockout Format)

Men’s teams will be ranked according to their roster. The host committee will review these rosters and will make the final decision on whether the team plays A or B division during the Summer Games. Once these decisions are made we will create double knockout schedules for the Men’s A & B Divisions.

Number of Athletes

Each Community may enter a maximum of 20 players per team. A minimum number of players required per team are eleven (11).

Number of Coaches

It is recommended that each community may accredit one (1) coach per team. The staff composition must have a minimum of one (1) male staff for all male teams and (1) female staff for all female teams.

General Rules

The most recent version of the Official Rules of the Softball Nova Scotia will apply to the NSMSG softball competition unless otherwise stated in the tech package.

Competition Format

The competition format will be determined by the number of entries per age category. The host community will make every effort to maximize the number of games each team receives. Each team will play a minimum two games (two-game knockout in all age divisions, except Peewee, which will be a round robin division).


The umpires must have a minimum Provincial Level 2.

Field of Play/Equipment Requirements

Ball size and pitching distance between the home plate and pitcher’s mound as stated by Softball Nova Scotia according to the age groups and categories played. Safe bases will be implemented. Competitors must supply their own bats, helmets, gloves, and catchers must supply their own special additional equipment. Absolutely no metal spikes will be allowed. All equipment must comply with the International Softball Federation standards.

Competition Rules

  • The teams will warm-up off the competition diamond and will be allowed only 5 minutes on the competition diamond prior to game time.
  • An entire game for the NSMSG softball tournament shall consist of seven (7) innings or a maximum time of 1 Hour 45 minutes. No new inning will start after 1 Hour 45 minutes. If the game is tied after this the tie breaking procedures will apply immediately.
  • The seven (7) run rule will be in effect any time after the completion of 5 (or 4 1/2) innings of play. The umpire will award the game to the team with a lead of seven (7) or more runs any time after the trailing team has had five (5) turns at bat. There will also be a 15 run mercy rule after 3 innings or thereafter.
  • Mercy Rule
    • In all categories, games will end after 2 ½, 3, 3 ½ or 4 complete innings of play if there is a difference of 15 runs.
    • In all categories, games will end after 4 ½, 5, 5 ½ or 6 innings of play if there is a difference of 7 runs.
  • In the case of a tie game during the round robin play and/or play offs, the International tie breaking rule shall be followed:
    • Starting with the top of the eighth inning, and each half inning thereafter, the offensive team shall begin its turn at bat with the player who is scheduled to bat ninth in that respective half inning being placed on second base. The player who is running can be substituted in accordance with the substitution rules.

Round Robin Only – Tie breaking procedures

The tie breaking procedure used in extra-inning games shall be applied in all games except the final championship game.

3.01 A tie exists within one (1) section, or across two (2) or four (4) sections, when two (2) or more teams have the same win-loss record.

3.02 A tie shall be resolved by following, in order, the procedure set out below

A. Within Section Round Robins

  • With two teams tied on wins/losses, rank them by the results of their game in the round robin; the winner is placed ahead of the loser.
  • With more than two teams tied on wins/losses, rank them in order
    • By the results of their games among themselves in the round robin games.
    • If still tied on wins/losses, by their runs against record in the games among themselves; the team with the lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, the team with the second lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, etc.
    • If any teams tied by their runs against record in the games amongst themselves –
      • two teams – by the results of their games amongst themselves in the round robin games
      • more than two teams – by their runs against record in all the round robin games; the team with the lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, the team with the second lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, etc.
    • If any teams still tied on runs against, by random selection; the first team selected is placed ahead of the others.


B. Across Section Round Robins With two or more teams tied on wins/losses, rank them in order –

  • By their runs against record in all round robin games; the team with the lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, the team with the second lowest runs against is placed ahead of the others, etc.
  • If any teams still tied on runs against, by random selection; the first team selected is placed ahead of the others.
  • 3.03 For a tied team “runs against” is the total number of runs scored by the specified opponents of that team.


Approved Bats:

A list of approved bats will be made available to all coaches/managers/teams to help to ensure all equipment (bats) will be fair. All bats/equipment found not-approved will be taken out of the game competition and returned to the participant after the 2018 NSMSG

Softball / Fastball Coordinator

Eldon Gould